Why are Social Meta tags important?

Years ago, the only 'hidden' information on your page that a site admin needed to know about was the title and description tags. Since then, social networks have risen in their dominance of social engagement and driving traffic to your site. Networks like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and others each use their own specific meta tags, which are used to control your branding when content from your site is posted to their networks.  

Have you ever posted your content to a social network and found:

  • The image shown was your RSS icon, a print button, or some other irrelevant image?
  • The description shown was from some unrelated snippet on your page?
  • The title of your page was too generic, like "Read our blog" or some other vague term?

If so, or you're simply confused about what social meta is, and how to set it, Social Debug is your tool. Use it to test your content's social meta tags as you create your content, and provide recommendations for each social network, to ensure that your content gets the best representation possible.

You've created a compelling website and brand, why throw it away when you try to share your content?

Go ahead, try any URL in the search box above or learn more about Open Graph tags, Twitter tags, schema microdata, or any of the other social meta tag formats you should be setting for your website!

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